After a short spell of beautiful fall weather, the rain has settled in here, as have seasonal colds (D. was in bed all weekend and I'm feeling sniffly). The days are getting shorter, and I've been craving warm and comforting foods.
Après quelques belles journées d'automne, la pluie est enfin arrivée, ainsi que les rhumes du changement de saison (D. a dû passer le week-end au lit et je commence à me moucher aussi). Les jours sont plus courts et j'ai envie de bons plats chauds et réconfortants.

Adoptee Nicola to the rescue!! When it's pouring rain, like it is today, one needs incentive to get out of bed, ideally a phone call from Irina Brook asking me to star in her next play. Failing that, the postman ringing with a package is the next best thing, especially when that package contains the Golden Curry mix Nic used to make her mouth-watering Japanese Beef Curry.
Quand il pleut des cordes, comme aujourd'hui, j'ai envie de me blottir sous la couette et de rester au lit. Il faudrait quelque chose de très important pour me faire sortir, idéalement un coup de fil d'Irina Brook qui me propose un rôle dans sa prochaine pièce. A défaut, le mieux c'est de recevoir un colis venu de l'autre côté de la Manche qui contient le mélange Golden Curry que Nicola de Lemon and Cheese a utilisé pour faire son Curry de boeuf japonais.

I made the curry right away and the taste was wonderful. Just the kind of warm and comforting I was looking for, spicy but not too hot (especially good for D. who doesn't do well with super spice) and full of flavor. Good thing Nic put the recipe on her blog because my Japanese is little on the weak side and I couldn't have read a thing on the package if I tried! The best part is that there's still plenty of mix for future curries! If you're someplace where you can get your hands on Golden Curry, or you know someone nice enough to send you some, you should go for it, and check out the curry recipe here. I made mine with beef, carrots, peppers and potatoes. Yummy!
J'ai testé le curry le plus rapidement possible et c'était délicieux. Chaud et réconfortant, exactement ce que je cherchais. C'était bien épicé mais mais pas trop relevé (parfait pour D. qui n'aime pas les plats trop piquants). Heureusement, Nic a mis la recette sur son blog car sur l'emballage tout est en japonais et je n'aurais pas compris comment faire ! J'ai fait le mien au boeuf, carottes, poivrons et pommes de terre. Miam !
A soul-uplifting dish!
I have never heard of this but a nice curry is always welcome. Hope you are feeling much better here. We still have lovely hot weather although it rained a couple of times.
miam miam ça a l'air bon.
ton curry, tu l'as commandé où? Et si je vais à Londres bientôt je peux en acheter sur place dans un magasin? Lequel?
The rains set in here too, it's definitely time for this kind of food. It sounds like my kind of curry too, hot but not too hot!
Rosa - Indeed!
Ivy - I'm glad your weather's still good. It's been getting colder and colder here, so I was glad for the curry.
Paule - Moi, j'ai eu la chance d'avoir quelqu'un qui me l'a envoyé de Londres, donc je ne sais pas dans quel magasin elle l'a eu ! Je pense que c'est un mélange assez courant là-bas...
Sam - True, I bet you'd like it! Hope the rain doesn't get you too down...
How lucky are you to have a nice friend that sends you the fixings for comfort food :). It does look pretty darned good. AND Happy Belated Birthday. If I had the power, I would cast you in the epic production of your life.
Giz - Yes I am. I got very lucky in BOTH adopt-a-blogger rounds I participated in! That's a lovely birthday wish. Thank you :-)
Hello! Yay! I'm so glad you got it so quickly and liked it! Your posts aren't appearing in my feed reader thing, but you're on the list and I can't figure out why, which is why I haven't made a comment earlier! It is so lovely to get post, I get all excited when the poatman appears! Although with all the postal strikes the service is rubbish at the moment.
Can you also tell Paule, that I got it from the Japan Centre on Picadilly in London if he wants to go there. Although they are moving to Lower Regent Street on the 17th Oct. I can understand the question but not respond in French!!
Nic - Thank you again for the curry! That's weird about my posts not showing up. Perhaps try unsubscribing and then using the subscribe button on my blog to get the feed? Just a thought. The postman should have something for you soon - if he's not on strike!
Also, for Paule, I think the inverse is true: although more comfortable commenting in French, she should have no trouble reading your answer in English. I'll let her know!
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