Les gens n'appellent jamais une râpe à fromage par son vrai nom... destructeur d'éponges. - Mitch Hedberg (ma traduction)

Although their real names may very well be "Christmas ornament ruiners," D and I have more optimistically named the newest member of the Hopie's Kitchen household Edgar and Marcel, after two of our favorite authors (I'll let you guess).
Peut-être leurs vrais noms sont-il "destructeurs de décorations de Noël", mais de façon optimiste, D. et moi avons nommé les nouveaux arrivés chez nous Edgar et Marcel, d'après deux de nos auteurs préférés (je vous laisse deviner).
Edgar and Marcel are rescue kittens, utterly adorable, and devoted to each other. Edgar is extremely curious and playful (What you cookin' there? Is it for me?). Marcel is more timid (but happy as long as he can hide behind his brother) and sedentary. Pretty soon, I have no doubt, he'll be spending his days curled up in bed just like his namesake, and waiting to be pet so he can turn on his powerful purr-motor.
Nous avons adopté Edgar et Marcel à travers une association qui recupère des chats abandonnés. Ils sont inséparables et totalement craquants ! Edgar est le plus curieux et joueur des deux (qu'est-ce que tu cuisines ? C'est pour moi ça ?). Pour l'instant, Marcel, plus calme, est heureux de pouvoir se cacher derrière son frère, mais à mon avis cela ne durera pas longtemps. Bientôt, il sera content de passer ses journées sur le lit (comme son homonyme), à attendre qu'on le caresse pour se mettre à ronronner comme un moteur.
Hey, Hopie, tu as oublié de mettre la recette pour cuisiner les kittens dans ton billet ! ;-)
Welcome Edgar and Marcel! How old are they? They are adorable and so bright! Will you prepare gourmet kitty dishes for them? Love, Mom
DK - I hope that doesn't mean what it sounds like it means. :( -K
Katharine - Of course it does! You know how much of a Grinch I am... ;-)
DK- Ewww!
soooo cute, and what great photography! I can't wait to meet them!
Awwww, they are sooooo cute! will you be cat blogging a bout them 8Weekend cat Blogging)?
Ah, ha ... pets have arrived on the scene and I can see they are already wormy their way into your heart(s) ... D.K. may sound like a grinch but doesn't know the power of persuasion these little imps have!
Too fun. Enjoy.
Hello Edgar and Marcel, They are absolutely gorgeous :)
How adorable! They are precious ... and I amno technically a cat person, but these two are gorgeous!
Eeeeeeeeee! So glad the meeting went well - it looks like little Poe and Proust are happy to be home. Can't wait to meet them!
They are so cute. Happy New Year.
Good luck with your rescue kitties! I have two of my own that are now two and a half. I absolutely adore them. Happy New Year!
Adorable! I wish I lived closer so I could visit and see them in person.
D.K. - Mais, silly, on ne mange de kittens. Ils sont trop petits ! Faut les faire grossir d'abord... ;-)
Mom - I don't know about gourmet kitty dishes...but scraps from our gourmet dishes are quite likely!
Lily - Aw thanks. Come over to Paris and meet them!! You'd love them, particularly Edgar because he's ridiculous.
Rosa - If I have time maybe I will!
Cicero - Indeed they're too adorable to resist. Even for a Grinch (who isn't nearly as Grinchy when kittens start purring).
Nic - I'll tell them you said so :-)
Maria - I know they're too cute. I'm allergic to cats and I still didn't manage to resist their charms ;-)
Camille - Aha, I see someone's following my blog! They're settling in just fine. You'll have to come over and meet them soon.
Ivy - Happy New Year!
Apples and Butter - Yea it's nice to have two because they play with each other all the time and keep each other company.
Tony - I know I wish you did too! (And not just for the cats. I miss you!) Too bad they can't have play dates with Esh and Hex.
Have a great Sunday!
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