Despite desires to the contrary, my CSA had not yet started to reflect spring. We're still being regaled with such winter lovelies as pounds and pounds of turnips, dried lentils and the like. Not that I'm complaining. I'm just looking longingly at strawberries, that's all.
Still, there's one winter vegetable (actually almost an all-year vegetable) that it's pretty hard to get sick of and that's leeks.
A little while ago when I posted this delicious Lemon Red-Lentil Soup, I photographed it with Oeufs cocotte à la fondue de poireaux from the blog Papilles & Pupilles. I'm at a loss at to how to translate the name of this dish (any suggestions?), but Jessica from Apples and Butter has asked for the translated recipe, and that would be my pleasure.
For 4 people
4 eggs
4 leeks
2 Tbsp crème fraiche (or heavy cream, or sour cream, or you can skip this if you're watching your weight)
2 shallots, minced
3 Tbsp white wine
1/2 tsp curry powder
1 Tbsp butter
a pinch of paprika (Anne uses piment d'Espelette, which you can try for a version with some heat)
Wash leeks well and cut into round slices.
Melt butter in a frying pan and add the shallots, letting cook 2-3 minutes while stirring. Add the white wine, curry powder and salt (to taste). Cover and let cook around 20 minutes until the leeks are soft.
Preheat the oven to 350F/180C. When the leeks are done, remove from heat and add the crème fraiche. Divide the leek mixture into 4 ramkins and crack an egg on the top of each one. Sprinkle a little paprika on top and place ramkins in a baking pan that you have filled 1/3 of the way up with water.
Place in the oven and cook 15-18 minutes, depending on how runny you like your eggs. Serve and let everything melt wonderfully in your mouth. You'll make your taste buds very happy :-)
Other yummy recipes with leeks:
Honey Roast Chicken with Leeks
Potato Leek Soup
Salmon with Winter Leeks
I'm submitting this recipe to Bookmarked Recipes, which is being hosted this week by Gloria of Cookbook Cuisine.
Click on the logo for the rules and how to participate...
Last, but not least, there's a new feature on my blog: if you scroll down on the left you'll find a converter that should help convert basic cooking measurements! Yay! (Thanks Psychgrad and Giz for the idea that I shamelessly stole off from Equal Opportunity Kitchen.)