19 April 2009

Mi Cayito

First of all, a happy Pascha to my Orthodox friends who are celebrating today (Christos Anesti to Ivy and Maria !)

I've been trying a number of places to have brunch in Paris recently and silly person that I am every time, I forget my camera. It's becoming a bit of a theme! So today, you'll have to content yourselves with a description of the delicious brunch I had at Mi Cayito, a Cuban restaurant in the 2e arrondissement recommended by my friend Damia. (Yes, I know I'm at the cutting edge of current events. I heard Obama's subtle overtures to Cuba, saw him shaking hands with Chavez and decided a little culinary diplomacy was in order. Admit it, you're impressed.)

Cela fait plusieurs fois ces derniers mois que je teste des bons brunchs à Paris en oubliant mon appareil photo ! C'est complètement inadmissible, je sais, mais aujourd'hui vous allez devoir vous contenter de ma description du délicieux brunch à Mi Cayito, un restaurant cubain dans le 2e arrondissement que nous avons découvert sur la recommendation d'une amie, Damia. (Oui, je sais je suis au top de l'actualité. J'ai vu qu'Obama laissait entendre que la politique américain envers Cuba pouvait changer, alors je me suis dit qu'un peu de diplomatie culinaire ne pouvait pas faire de mal ! Vous êtes impressionnés, non ?)

Mi Cayito is an adorable restaurant, wallpapered with old newspapers, candlelit and the chairs (disconcerting at first) are sort of like metal rocking chairs. The brunch starts with tea or coffee and exotic fruit juice (I chose guava, yum). Then, out come the assorted breads and cakes with jams: carrot, papaya and tomato (apparently but they all tasted sweet and fruity to me). The service is leisurely, which is just fine for a Sunday afternoon and the portions are copious enough that it's good to have time to digest. There are quite a few options for the second course but I chose a potato and herb omelet and D. had scrambled eggs with cheese and fried plantains. We were too full for dessert, but with choices like mango soup with banana emulsion and coconut ice cream, or banana flambé with aged rum and brown sugar, I think we'll be leaving room next time!

L'ambiance de Mi Cayito m'a tout de suite séduite avec ses murs décorés de vieux journaux et ses chaises métalliques à bascule. Le brunch commence avec café ou thé et jus de fruit éxotique (j'ai choisi goyave, miam). Puis viennent les toasts et cakes avec miel et confiture de papaye, tomate et carotte (selon la carte, mais pour moi elles avaient toutes un goût sucré et fruité...). Il y a beaucoup d'options pour les plats, mais j'ai choisi une omelette de pommes de terre sautées aux herbes fraîches et D. a mangé des oeufs brouillés au fromage avec des bananes plantains frites. On n'avait plus faim après, mais avec des desserts comme la soupe de mangue avec émulsion de banane et sa glace à la noix de coco, ou la banane flambée au vieux rhum et sucre roux, je sens qu'il va falloir revenir !


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

It sounds like a great place to eat!



Cicero Sings said...

Sounds like you are doing spring in style ... and with TASTE! Mmmmm. Always fund to try out new places to eat with innovative twists to the menu.

Katharine said...

It sounds like another hidden gem in Paris - did you have some help discovering it? It is fun to imagine the place from your description - it seems like the kind of place that is somehow uniquely Parisian: off beat decor with delectable dishes. And how delightful to sample Cuba in your home town! Well done! -Love, Mom

Sam said...

I don't think I've ever had Cuban food, it sounds like a great place!

Hopie said...

Rosa - Yes, lots of fun.

Cicero - Well it's important to celebrate spring :-)

Mom - Yes, I did have some help. D's and my friend Damia recommended it and I was remiss not to mention her, so thank you!

Sam - Yea, I want to try it for lunch or dinner sometime too. Looked like there were some yummy dishes.