18 June 2009

Art Auction with a Twist

A little over a month ago, a call went out to the members of Bloggeraid to submit food photos to Lisa at The Lunch Box Project for her Art Auction with a Twist. She would choose one photo to turn into a painting that she would then auction off, donating all proceeds to the World Food Programme.

Il y a un peu plus d'un mois, Lisa du blog The Lunch Box Project a lancé un appel aux membres de Bloggeraid demandant des photos culinaires pour son Art Auction with a Twist. Elle allait choisir une des photos pour en faire un tableau et le vendre aux enchères et faire don de l'argent au World Food Programme.

(click on the photo to see Lisa's version!)
(cliquez sur la photo pour voir la version de Lisa !)

I immediately went to check out her blog where she posts daily tiny masterpieces, all food themed, and submitted a photo for her consideration. Then, in the chaotic flurry of other projects, I forgot about it. When I got an email saying Lisa had chosen my photo, I was excited to see what she would do with it. Now, I'm happy to announce the painting is officially up for auction (until June 24th) on ebay. So go check out Lisa's wonderful piece of work and, why not, bid on it! If the link doesn't work, go to ebay.com and type #220436850908 in the search box. It'll take you right there.

Je suis d'abord allée regarder son blog où ses petits tableaux quotidiens autour de la nourriture m'ont beaucoup plu, puis je lui ai envoyé une photo. Ensuite, dans le joyeux chaos d'autres projets que j'ai en ce moment, j'ai totalement oublié. Quand on m'a dit que Lisa avait choisi ma photo, j'avais hâte de voir ce que cela donnerait. Aujourd'hui, j'ai l'honneur d'annoncer que le tableau est mis aux enchères sur ebay. Donc, allez voir l'oeuvre de Lisa inspirée de mes humbles sandwiches -- et pourquoi pas, faites une offre si vous l'aimez bien ! (Si le lien ne marche pas, allez sur ebay.com et cherchez #220436850908. Vous allez tomber dessus tout de suite.)


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Congratulations! i love that shot!



Sam said...

I wish I could bid but it's only available to the US :( It looks great though, you must be really pleased with it.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your photo being chosen - and the painting is so cute!

Hopie said...

Rosa - Thank you :-)

Sam - I know, that's too bad that it's only in the US since bloggeraid is international!

Camille - Thanks! I was very excited!