13 February 2010

Weekend Cat Blogging: Kittens' First Snow

It's been snowing here quite a bit this week. And by quite a bit, I mean some of it has actually stuck. Ok, so nothing like what's been happening at my parents' house:

But enough to amuse the kittens. For hours.

And hours.

And hours.

Until we were all exhausted and needed a nice rest.

Weekend Cat Blogging is hosted this week by Breadchick and LB at The Sour Dough and I'm very excited to be participating for the first time. Thanks Rosa for encouraging me! My entry is not particalarly Valentine's related, but it's very February related!


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Aw, soooo cute! Wow, that's a lot of snow!



Anonymous said...

Love that last photo - too cute!

Esme said...

They are adorable-looks like the snow has mesmerized them: Welcome to your first WCB.

Here is my entry http://chocolateandcroissants.blogspot.com/2010_02_01_archive.html#3475435431200178919

Cicero Sings said...

Ever so cute. If I ever got a cat, it would have to be the colour of those two.

Your parents sure did get the snow. Wow. I here it has been pretty bad back in the east. Here in the west ... far too mild!

Hopie said...

Rosa - Yea, they were buried!

Camille - They're irresistible when they're sleeping. You almost forget when terrors they are when they're awake ;-)

Esme - Thanks for stopping by! I'm off to see your entry.

Cicero - I have to say, I'm a big fan of orange cats. We weren't planning to get that color at all, but when we met these two kitties, we couldn't resist!

Unknown said...

Your cats are too damn cute! <3
Our deck here in Norway looked like that picture of your parent's house a few weeks ago, and now we're unfortunately to that hard-packed, app. 4 inches of ice in any one place, dirty walls of snow by the side of the road stage.

Nicola said...

Oh my god they are gorgeous. I am so jealous :)

Hopie said...

Kirsten - Yea, that's the less fun stage isn't it. Thanks for reminding me. I feel less nostalgic ;-)

Nic - Aw, thanks! Next time you're in Paris you'll have to meet them!

Darius T. Williams said...

Really great photos...I love this!

Hopie said...

Darius - Thanks! I'm off to check out your blog!

Maria said...

How beautiful are they?! Gorgeous photos!