17 August 2011

Tilth's Restaurant, Seattle, Washington

We ate amazingly well in Seattle in general. It's one of the few places where we stayed in a Bed & Breakfast and Korby's breakfasts at the Sleeping Bulldog are definitely worth mentioning, as is the Pike Place Market. However, August 14 was D. and my very first wedding anniversary! So we had the 8 course tasting menu at Tilth's, with wine pairing. Of course I took pictures to share with you all!

Nous avons vraiment bien mangé à Seattle. C'est un des endroits où on est resté dans un Bed & Breakfast et les petits déjeuners de Korby au Sleeping Bulldog sont vraiment à mentionner, ainsi que le marché de Pike Place, mais quand même le 14 août, c'était notre premier anniversaire de mariage et on a fait un menu dégustation à tomber par terre. Pour vous faire baver (attention à ton ordi Damia !)...

August 14 - 7:30pm PST

Chilled Cucumber Soup dill yogurt, poppy seed tuile, cured salmon
Local Watermelon Carpaccio feta, french melon, mint

Carnaroli Risotto

young carrot, escarole, pine nut

Sockeye Salmon a la Plancha fava bean, nasturtium, heirloom tomato

St. Jude’s Albacore Tuna artichoke mousse, dry cured olive, grilled leek

After that, it was too dark to take pictures, but the rest was just as delicious. / Après il faisait trop sombre pour prendre des photos, mais le reste était aussi délicieux.

Grilled Dakota Beef Hanger Steak anson mills corn cake, chow chow, collard greens

Black Sheep Creamery Brebis

lemon gel, almond, sea salt cracker

White Corn Crème Brulée

candied bacon, fried hominy

Thank you chef Maria Hines and all the hands that made such an amazing meal!


Cicero Sings said...

Happy anniversary! A whole year already ... and what a feast to celebrate. So fun to try all those dishes. I have an Aunt and Uncle as well as a couple of cousins who live in Seattle so in my younger years spent a bit of time down there.

Damia said...

oh my!!! Comment tu peux me faire ça Hopie???
Ça a l'air purement délicieux. Cool que vous ayez fêté dignement ;) De gros bisous sans bave

Hopie said...

Cicero - Thank you! I love tasting menus because you get to try so many different things in small portions.

Damia - C'est toi qui voulait savoir. Je n'y peux rien ! Merci pour les bisous sans bave. Je t'en rend :-)