12 October 2008

Sunday hangover?

Après les croissants de dimanche dernier, vous pensez peut-être que je passe tous mes dimanches à ne rien faire, car j'ai fait la fête la veille. Et puis, pourquoi pas après tout... mais en fait, j'avais l'intention de poster une recette de muffins pomme-noix (ça sera pour la semaine prochaine, c'est sûr !) sauf qu'hier soir D. m'a fait cadeau d'une super soirée pour mon anniversaire, avec notamment un punch merveilleux (dont la recette est un secret que je ne peux pas dévoiler ici).

After last Sunday's croissants (let someone else do the baking) you all are going to think I spend my weekends partying and waking up bleary-eyed. And why not, after all? But the truth is I was intending to write to you about some yummy moist apple-walnut muffins today (next week - I promise!) but last night D. threw a party for my birthday, which was a few days ago, and made a delicious punch from a secret recipe that I can attest included rum - lots of it! A bunch of people came and they brought presents and wine and other goodies, including two wonderful food-related gifts:

Book about exotic ingredients, their properties and simple recipes in which to use them.
J'ai reçu plusieurs cadeaux très sympas dont ce beau livre de cuisine sur les ingrédients exotiques et comment les préparer.

Whipped cream maker!
Et un siphon crème et chantilly !

By the way, if anyone has any good Swiss chard or celery root recipes, I received both in my CSA basket this week and have no idea what I'm going to do with them! Hope you had a restful weekend.
Appel à recettes : si vous avez des idées pour utiliser de la racine de celeri ou des blettes, j'ai eu les deux dans mon panier bio et je suis perdue ! J'espère que vous avez passé un bon week-end.


Cicero Sings said...

Happy belated birthday! I meant to write ON your birthday but I've been so distracted with fruit and company that, unforgivably, I forgot! Sigh. Sounds like you had a GOOD time. Yea! We have one of those whip cream gizzmos .... so handy when one is in a hurry and makes a nice presentation to boot ... just have to make sure you have those darn cartridges on hand. I always buy a couple of boxes when I see them on sale.

PG said...

Happy belated birthday! Looks like a fun night.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Happy belated Birthday! I bet you had a great time!

Cheers and have a nice week,


Sam said...

Happy birthday! Looks like you had a great party!

Hopie said...

Cicero - That's sweet of you to think of it -- and I definitely accept canning as an excuse for forgetting ;-) I got some extra cartridges with the gift so I can start experimenting!

Psychgrad, Rosa and Sam - Thank you guys! I did have a lot of fun :-)

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, swiss chard and celeri-rave are two of my favorite winter vegetables! Swiss chard makes a nice addition to butternut squash risotto, it's good braised with chicken and balsamic vinegar, or just sautéed with a bunch of garlic and served alongside a duck breast with cherry sauce.

As for celeriac, Nick makes a kick-ass soup with roquefort. I actually posted about it here: http://croquecamille.wordpress.com/2008/03/27/easter-dinner/
It makes a good gratin, too.

Unknown said...

Swiss chard! My favorite. I like to sautee it with garlic, red pepper flakes, and artichoke hearts. Then if there are leftovers, I make a quiche and put them in.

Hopie said...

Camille - You rock. Those sound like brilliant ideas. I'll definitely be borrowing one or two!

Amy - Garlic, red pepper flakes and artichoke hearts, I have ALL those ingredients. I'm going for it :-) I'll just save a bit to go in the risotto Camille suggested... Good stuff.