After last Sunday's croissants (let someone else do the baking) you all are going to think I spend my weekends partying and waking up bleary-eyed. And why not, after all? But the truth is I was intending to write to you about some yummy moist apple-walnut muffins today (next week - I promise!) but last night D. threw a party for my birthday, which was a few days ago, and made a delicious punch from a secret recipe that I can attest included rum - lots of it! A bunch of people came and they brought presents and wine and other goodies, including two wonderful food-related gifts:
J'ai reçu plusieurs cadeaux très sympas dont ce beau livre de cuisine sur les ingrédients exotiques et comment les préparer.
Whipped cream maker!
Et un siphon crème et chantilly !

Et un siphon crème et chantilly !

By the way, if anyone has any good Swiss chard or celery root recipes, I received both in my CSA basket this week and have no idea what I'm going to do with them! Hope you had a restful weekend.
Appel à recettes : si vous avez des idées pour utiliser de la racine de celeri ou des blettes, j'ai eu les deux dans mon panier bio et je suis perdue ! J'espère que vous avez passé un bon week-end.
Happy belated birthday! I meant to write ON your birthday but I've been so distracted with fruit and company that, unforgivably, I forgot! Sigh. Sounds like you had a GOOD time. Yea! We have one of those whip cream gizzmos .... so handy when one is in a hurry and makes a nice presentation to boot ... just have to make sure you have those darn cartridges on hand. I always buy a couple of boxes when I see them on sale.
Happy belated birthday! Looks like a fun night.
Happy belated Birthday! I bet you had a great time!
Cheers and have a nice week,
Happy birthday! Looks like you had a great party!
Cicero - That's sweet of you to think of it -- and I definitely accept canning as an excuse for forgetting ;-) I got some extra cartridges with the gift so I can start experimenting!
Psychgrad, Rosa and Sam - Thank you guys! I did have a lot of fun :-)
Ooooh, swiss chard and celeri-rave are two of my favorite winter vegetables! Swiss chard makes a nice addition to butternut squash risotto, it's good braised with chicken and balsamic vinegar, or just sautéed with a bunch of garlic and served alongside a duck breast with cherry sauce.
As for celeriac, Nick makes a kick-ass soup with roquefort. I actually posted about it here: http://croquecamille.wordpress.com/2008/03/27/easter-dinner/
It makes a good gratin, too.
Swiss chard! My favorite. I like to sautee it with garlic, red pepper flakes, and artichoke hearts. Then if there are leftovers, I make a quiche and put them in.
Camille - You rock. Those sound like brilliant ideas. I'll definitely be borrowing one or two!
Amy - Garlic, red pepper flakes and artichoke hearts, I have ALL those ingredients. I'm going for it :-) I'll just save a bit to go in the risotto Camille suggested... Good stuff.
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