01 November 2008

With this week spent in a 6-day workshop on Bérénice by Racine, a classic French tragedy written in verse (alexendrins - the French and possibly more meticulous equivalent of iambic pentameter), I've had little time for cooking! I come home emotionally exhausted and ready to relax in front of a light comedy or collapse into bed. Still, the workshop has been extremely productive, if intense. I'll be away for a couple days and then with an all-nighter on election day, I may not get too many posts up next week, but I haven't forgotten you all and more recipes will be up soon!

Cette semaine, j'ai passé six jours entiers plongée dans les malheurs tragiques de Titus et Bérénice et dans le rythme de Racine, enfin je veux dire dans un atelier de théâtre. En rentrant chaque soir après tout le travail physique et émotionnel, je n'avais qu'une envie : de rire un bon coup et puis de me coucher. Mais, ne vous inquiétez pas, après les élections américaines mardi prochain (qui j'espère ne vont pas se finir en tragédie), j'aurais plus de temps pour cuisiner et partager avec vous !


Cicero Sings said...

Down time is a needed thing. Take it when you can get it! We'll all be hanging out here in blog land until you return! I'm off myself for a week or so, so my blogs will be sporadic as well.

Ivy said...

It's been a rather hectic week for me as well and I am also thinking of getting away from blogging for a few days. Ah, Racine!! We did a lot of French Literature at school and I must say that he was not one of my favourites.

Hopie said...

Cicero - Thank you! Have some nice down time yourself :-)

Ivy - Everyone needs a break sometimes, even if we enjoy blogging. I wasn't such a big fan of Racine when I had to read him in school, but the workshop really made me appreciate him!