I've participated in and talked about a few events surrounding the question of world hunger in these past couple of months, following an initiative that started as an event for World Food Day, and grew into the wonderfully ambitious project BloggerAid. As I've mentioned before, I really respect the idea that food bloggers have a particular responsibility to deal with the question of hunger (in between giving thanks for all the wonderful food we enjoy in our lives -- and I certainly enjoy mine!). That's why when Psychgrad and Giz, Ivy and Val announced BloggerAid's most audacious project to date: a cookbook, I was eager to participate.
Je vous ai déjà parlé du projet BloggerAid pour sensibiliser un maximum de personnes au problème de la faim dans le monde à travers les blogs et particulièrement les blogs de cuisine. Je respecte l'idée que les bloggers culinaires aient une responsabilité particulière de traîter ce sujet, donc quand Ivy, Val, Psychgrad et Giz ont lancé le projet ambitieux de publier un livre de cuisine international pour récolter des fonds, j'étais enthousiaste à l'idée de participer !

I chose a favorite recipe of mine for sausage and peppers for a number of reasons: it's simple to make, it's delicious, filling, comforting, and it's international. I don't know if it particularly represents my country in this international cookbook. But then again, I'm not sure which country I should be representing. I can say that mother grew up eating sausage and peppers at street fairs and softball games in upstate New York, and that it's a dish that could easily be found in a number of countries. In the US, this recipe would be made with Italian sausage, in France, saucisse de Toulouse, in other countries, you tell me! Any kind of herbed sausage will do. And for the cliffhanger: to read the recipe you'll have to (dun-dun-daaaaaa)...BUY THE COOKBOOK!
J'ai choisi une de mes recettes préférées du moment, des saucisses aux poivrons, pour plusieurs raisons : elle est simple à réaliser, délicieuse, réconfortante et, de plus, internationale ! Je ne sais pas si c'est la meilleure recette pour "représenter mon pays". Mais bon, je ne suis même pas sûre quel pays je devrais représenter... Tout ce que je peux dire c'est que ma mère a grandi en mangeant des saucisses aux poivrons à des matches de softball dans l'état de New York, et que c'est un plat que l'on pourrait facilement trouver dans plusieurs cultures. Aux Etats-Unis, ce plat serait fait avec des saucisses italiennes, en France avec des saucisses de Toulouse, dans d'autres pays... vous savez sûrement mieux que moi ! Mais, pour découvrir la recette... il faudra attendre d'acheter le livre !

If you want to participate (and you don't have to be a part of BloggerAid to do so), original recipes must be submitted in English by February 12th to bloggeraid AT gmail DOT com. For all the rules, here's good. You can find out more about this project and other ways to help on the BloggerAid website.
Si vous voulez participer (il n'est pas obligatoire d'avoir un blog de cuisine), votre recette originale doit être soumise en anglais à bloggeraid @ gmail point com avant le 12 février. L'idée est aussi de traduire le livre dans le plus de langues possibles et ils cherchent des bénévoles qui veulent aider. Si vous parlez bien anglais et vous voulez participer à une traduction en français (on traduit d'habitude vers sa langue maternelle), n'hésitez pas à laisser une commentaire ici.
By submitting a recipe, I give BloggerAid permission to publish the enclosed recipe for its cookbook project, understanding that the proceeds of the cookbook will support the programs of the World Food Program. I further understand that no royalties will be awarded to me for my recipe submission. I also understand that all recipes and photos submitted will be considered but may not be published in the cookbook and I undertake that I will not publish the recipe anywhere else (blog, forum, social network, magazine, newspaper etc.), before the publication of the cookbook.
What a scrumptious and comforting looking dish!
Cheers and have a nice weekend,
Thank you bery much for your recipe Hopie. I am sending it over to the Editing Departmewnt as we speak. In order to send a recipe in for the cookbook people need to have a blog of some kind but they don't need to be a member of BloggerAid, which is a group of bloggers uniting to raise awareness and alleviate world hinger:D
Beautiful colours! I am looking forward to seeing the recipe for this!
Thanks for participating in BloggerAid. I need to post a recipe too.
I'm so excited to see your recipe going into the cookbook. I'm so happy that Psychgrad and I have such a great adoptive blogger. Your shout out for this event is amazing. Thank you again.
Rosa - Thank you. Have a lovely weekend!
Val - Thank you for the correction. I changed the post so that I don't misinform people. And thank YOU for this wonderful project!
Psychgrad - I like the warm colors myself. Good when it's grey and snowy!
Giz - Aw, thank you. I'm glad to be able to support this important initiative.
What a wonderful dish and for such a good cause. I'll see if I can come up with a recipe in time!
C'est une initiative très sympa !
I love your picture of the sausage dish dear!!! Will you ever come home to the US? A truly noble cause.
I really admire what you are doing! I will look into the cookbook for sure :) This dish looks fantastic!
Sam - Thanks. It would be awesome if you could participate!
Cartoonita - Ce n'était pas mon idée, mais je suis contente de pouvoir participer :-)
Nazarina - Thank you. I don't know if or when I'll be back to the US. Maybe someday...
Nirvana - Thanks for your encouragement!
Sorry for being late to thank you for participating but I was away for a few days. The dish looks super. By request of some Bloggers who have just joined us we are thinking of extending the deadline, so anyone else wanting to participate, they are welcome to do so and we will accept their entries.
Hoppie, that looks so delicious indeed. I thinks it will fir for the cookbook.
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