I tried it out for the first time this weekend. There I sat, at my living room table pouring cup upon cup of this subtle and beautiful tea, memorizing lines and watching the sun turn everything golden over the Parisian rooftops. After all, it's the little moments in life that make up happiness.

La semaine dernière, j'ai rendu visite à des amis qui m'ont donné un cadeau de Noël -- un peu en retard, oui, mais cela aurait été difficile d'envoyer cette théière en verre et la selection de thés de fleurs par la poste. J'ai toujours aimé l'idée de ces thés qui s'ouvrent en s'infusant, mais n'en ai jamais acheté pour moi même (c'est bien d'avoir des amis qui me connaissent si bien !).
Je l'ai essayée pour la première fois ce week-end. À table dans le salon, je me suis servie tasse après tasse de ce thé subtil, pendant que je mémorisais mes répliques, et par la fenêtre le soleil couvrait les toits d'or. Je me suis dit que ce sont les petits moments comme ça qui font le bonheur.
So pretty!
Lovely tea pot and I can imagine that the tea must tasted great.
Aren't those flowering teas fun? I have given them as gifts too and have some myself. They taste good too.
Rosa - Indeed!
Ivy - The tea was lovely and didn't get bitter even when it infused for a long time.
Cicero - I've given them, but never gotten them and I was so happy to. Lots of fun!
Yay pretty! Ren and I are both very happy that you liked the tea :)
Sounds like a delightful afternoon. Very nice gift.
Very nice. It looks incredibly zen
Those flower teas look amazing, that's a great gift.
Tony - Thank you so much for them! I love them.
Psychgrad - Lovely afternoon indeed.
Alex - Hard NOT to feel zen when you're actually watching a flower bloom ;-)
Sam - I thought so too!
This is so pretty! :)
"After all, it's the little moments in life that make up happiness."
My dear, you have achieved more wisdom in a quarter century than most people realize in a lifetime. I stand in awe of your amazing heart and soul. It's that simple.
Useful and so, so pretty - great idea for a pressie..:)
Nirvana - I think so too!
Dads - Well with such amazing parents... I had a good start ;-)
Here, There - Yes, it was a lovely present to receive.
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