22 August 2011

Yellowstone Lake and Lewis Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming and Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

August 21 - 1:30pm MST
Back through Yellowstone to get to Jackson Hole, so we had one more picnic here (pictures dedicated to Agrigirl - you should get out there!):

On devait retraverser Yellowstone pour aller à Jackson Hole, donc nous en avons profité pour faire un dernier pique-nique.

Me in Lewis Lake

Then we drove across Grand Teton National Park, which was absolutely gorgeous. Also a good argument for the theory that everything sounds better in French. I have to say Big Nipple National Park doesn't exactly have the same ring to it.

Puis, on a traversé Grand Teton National Park. Non, ce n'est pas une blague. Quand ces terres appartenaient aux Français, on devine ce
qui manquaient aux explorateurs venus découvrir le Nouveau Monde...


Gwen said...

quelles belles photos, Hopie ! J ai hâte que tu me racontes cela en détails...

Hopie said...

Gwen - Oui ! On va devoir faire une séance photos et histoires de vacances quand tu rentres ;-)

Anonymous said...

Some of my very favorite places in the world.

I have a fun little tag for you if you want to play when you get back home.

See you soon?

Hopie said...

Camille - I can totally see why! I already can't wait to go back there. D. and I want to book some cabins in Yellowstone for next year or the year after and invite any of our friends who want to to come!