When I went to pick up my new titre de séjour yesterday at police headquarters in the center of Paris, I had to pass by the flower market métro Cité, and I couldn't help but take a stroll down the plant-lined alleys. I love getting lost in them as they transport me out of the city with their fresh green-ness and the wafting smell of roses.
Je me suis arrêtée, naturellement, près des herbes -- "Ooh, on peut les manger ? J'aime bien ces plantes" ! Et puis, sans que je m'en rende compte, j'en avais achetées, comme ça, sans crier gare, avec de la terre, bien sûr, pour les planter dans des bacs. Maintenant on se moque de moi car, alors qu'il n'y a aucun meuble, des murs pas finis, et même pas de sol dans le futur bureau, notre nouvel appartement à maintenant des bacs de basilic et de menthe. Mais, enfin, il faut connaître ses priorités ! Et puis, regardez comme je me réjouie déjà en pensant à tous les bons plats que je vais pouvoir faire avec des herbes fraîches...
And wouldn't you know, I stopped in front of the herb section: "Did someone say plants you can EAT?" And without meaning to, there I was, back on the 4 line with a titre de séjour, a bag full of herb plants and 5 kilos of potting soil. So now in our new apartment, where there isn't a single piece of furniture yet, where the walls aren't all painted, where one of the rooms still doesn't have a floor(!), we have window boxes full of basil and mint. D. finds this very funny, but I say one has to have one's priorities straight! And look at how happy I am thinking of all the good meals I'm going to be able to make with my own fresh herbs!
You're a bit like me... I have loads (ustensils, ingredients, etc.../not enough, though) of things for cooking/baking, but I've got nearly no furniture!!!
J'adore le marché aux plantes métro cité! J'ai baladé un peu là-dedans la semaine dernière après ma visite à la préfecture. Je souhaite un jour avoir un bac aux herbes comme ça, mais, alors, ma pouce est vraiment brune! (Do they say that in French? I probably just said something horribly offensive. If so, I apologize.)
I went to the plant market today too and bought 3 kinds of basil and dill. Mmmmm, fresh herbs make SUCH a difference.
Rosa - hehe. Well, really, one can live without (much) furniture but one HAS to eat. Might as well eat well.
Camille - Oui c'est sympa de mettre les fleurs près de la préfecture pour remonter le morale de tous les gens qui doivent y aller! D. laughed a lot reading about your "pouce brune", which apparently does sound rather dirty in French. They have an expression "avoir la main verte", but if you're not good with plants, there's no counter expression... oh well.
Cicero - Indeed they do!
Man does not live by paint alone but by every leaf from the hand of the living God.
Or something like that.....
I can smell pesto coming my way :-)
Dad - er, yea I think I remember something like that. I guess living on paint would be pretty toxic - good thing He made some good leaves!
D.K. - Quelle surprise ! ça ne te ressemble pas du tout pourtant ;-)
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