18 February 2008

Radis Roses

I've been a bit under the weather this week, so not much fantastic cooking happening, but here's a little something to whet your appetite for more recipes to come.
Je n'ai pas pu trop cuisiner cette semaine (ah, les maladies d'hiver), mais voilà un petit quelque chose pour vous mettre l'eau à la bouche pour des recettes à venir.

So as I mentioned, this Valentine's Day, instead of cooking, I decided to let someone else, someone very talented mind you, create the menu (and of course wash the dishes). This someone else happens to be the cook at Radis Roses, a tiny little restaurant owned by a gay couple that we've been to a couple times, rather expensive, but well worth it.

Cette année pour la St Valentin, j'ai décidé qu'au lieu de passer des heures et des heures en cuisine sans voir ma moitié, que j'allais laisser quelqu'un d'autre faire le menu (et puis la vaisselle aussi) ! Le lieu : Radis Roses, un restaurant charmant dans le 9è avec un décor sympa, et des plats subtils et délicieux.

Qu'est-ce que nous avons mangé, vous demandez ? Je suis ravie de partager avec vous le menu spécial St Valentin.
The restaurant had a special Valentine's menu that is is my pleasure to share with you:

  • Apéritif et Ravioles au foie gras (a bubbly wine with a natural currant flavor for apéritif and raviolis filled with foie gras)
  • Espadon fumé et chips de légumes (slices of smoked swordfish with whole-grain bread and vegetable chips)
  • Millefeuille de Pintade au curry-gingembre (millefeuille of guinea hen in a ginger-curry sauce)
  • Variations chocolate -- plusieurs petits desserts au chocolat (vartiations on chocolate -- sample sizes of four different chocolate desserts)
  • Café, thé (coffee or tea)
Le ménu comprenait aussi un vin au choix. Nous avons choisi un rouge : Crozes Hermitage. La soirée fut un vrai régal !

Dinner also came with a bottle of wine of your choice (there were two different reds, white, and rosé). The maitre d' explained to me on the phone when I made the reservation that if we didn't finish our bottle of wine, they would be happy to give it to us in a "doggy bag" to take home! This concept doesn't really exist in France, and I found it HIGHLY amusing that the only thing, the French would consider taking home in a doggy bag is an unfinished bottle of wine! :-) We, however, had no problem finishing...


Anonymous said...

L'équation du bonheur :
Radis Roses + menu gourmet + bon vin + merveilleuse Hopie = Hoppiness, euh, happiness!

Hopie said...


Anonymous said...

that's hilarious (the doggie bag thing). also re: hoppiness - you guys are adorable :)